
Till January 2015 Whatsapp have nearly 700 million active users globally and 70 million users in India itself.
You can see the popularity of Whatsapp in the graph below showing form year 2009 when Whatsapp was launched till 2013 in million users globally:

So, why not leveraging the Whatsapp for your blog traffic. Here today we'll know how to add Whatsapp sharing button to Blogger (Blogspot) blog.

Adding WhatsApp Button to Blogger:

Before going to codes, first decide where you want to appear the Whatsapp Button in your blog when someone visit your site in mobile devices. Better you find the codes where you have added Facebook and Twitter sharing buttons and with those buttons place WhatsApp button too. 

Must take a buck up of your recent blogger template before going forward. 

1. Go the Template of your blog and click on edit.
2. Find your previous sharing buttons.
3. Add the below codes with the previous buttons, be careful with the codes.

 <!-- Whatsapp Share Buttons Start -->
<script type='text/javascript'>if(typeof wabtn4fg===&quot;undefined&quot;){wabtn4fg=1;h=document.head||document.getElementsByTagName(&quot;head&quot;)[0],s=document.createElement(&quot;script&quot;);s.type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;;s.src=&quot;https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7330191/whatsapp-sharing.js&quot;;h.appendChild(s);}</script>
<a class='wa_btn wa_btn_s' expr:data-href='data:post.url' expr:data-text='data:post.title' href='whatsapp://send' style='display:none'>Share</a>
<!-- Whatsapp Share Buttons End -->

4. Preview the template, if everything fine Save it and view a post of your blog on a mobile device running Android or iOS (iPhone).

The above code will give a small WhatsApp button to your Blogger blog if you want to add a medium or large button change the code in red with wa_btn_m (for medium WhatsApp button) or wa_btn_l (for large WhatsApp button).

Read more: http://www.angraj.in/2015/04/how-to-add-whatsapp-button-to-blogger.html#ixzz3dEjgofif

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